Halloween 2007!

The Experiment in Reanimation! I dug up a body that was buried about three months ago, slapped it on a table, and brought it back to life! The experiment worked, but with disastrous results! Read the script for details (safe to open).

Thanks go out to the cast and crew that worked in the "Secret Lab" during the party (here's the sign) for almost four hours, running the skit, and entertaining over one hundred guests! The cast for the party was:

Scientist 'A': Carolyn

Scientist 'B' - the headless body: Mikaela

Corpse/monster: Scott

Lights: Alex

Sound: Elaina

Tour guides: Connie and Mindy


The night of Halloween, a new cast was trained, and went in shifts. They "worked" about three hours and entertained roughly 60-70 trick-or-treaters. For Halloween, the trick-or-treaters entered via the path through the graveyard (for the party they came through the house), then a dimly lit path to the back of the garage. The suspense was set. The groups were smaller, the kids were younger, and the altered entry made it scarier. Six kids wouldn't enter, two others went and got their parents, one who came in ran away screaming, and nine cried (while their parents laughed). The cast for Halloween was:

Scientist 'A': Me

Scientist 'B': Nick, then later it was Kyle

Corpse/monster: Ian, then later it was Jake (Jake gets the award for making the most kids cry)

Lights: Mark, then later it was Nick

Tour guides: Tevin, Carena


The video of the scene didn't come out because the flickering light confused the camcorder. We may shoot it again.

I will post more pictures of the party at some point. Single-use cameras were dispersed. I need to see if more pictures need to be taken to finish them off, and then get them processed/digitized. The pictures I do have were taken by Michelle.